Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The MindSet of Wealth® is the practice of finding your wealth from within you and not from outside sources. It is the practice of following your own dreams, talents, individuality, while holding on to your own values. Financial decisions are based on wealth building principles and investing in your unique energies.

We measure our decisions by contrast, using our own identity as the reference.
When we are not sure of our identity, our decisions
are random.

Wealth is a choice, a wellbeing that never dies, and never stolen; yet many ignore this wellbeing for highly marketed fantasies and immediate gratification. Simply said wealth is a matter of life style, a natural way of living.

Be You—Stay You— Do You

A MindSet of Wealth® is the commitment of the MindSet to seek wellbeing by keeping wealth building principles at the forefront of all financial endeavors and investing through one’s self.

Do what you love to do—be your best at it—and wealth will happen naturally!

In the last century, we have systematically become followers—following someone’s story to wealth and success and following the advice of those who profit most from our failures. The freedom of wealth has been offset by the squandered debt of people trying to copy someone else’s dream, live someone else’s life, or paying for someone else’s wealth. Critical thinking has all but disappeared in the last fifty years, we now only ask what to think next, what’s new and where do we go from here. During this time the only shift in wealth is that the wealthy has a larger slice of the wealth pie.

America’s Wealth is in the hands of its people, both individually and as a whole. If we surrender this wealth, individually or as a whole, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Financial literacy is a much-needed lesson in our society and should begin at the earliest age possible; however, in its traditional form, it will not prevent Debt, Poverty, or Dependency. The 2006 recession effected a diverse America, regardless of ethnicity, financial level, educational level, or financially literate or not....

The economical crisis is not due to the lack of money or knowledge, but because of the way we think!

The purpose of the MindSet of Wealth® book series is to elevate the reader to a financial life style that combat traditional financial struggles or DPD (debt, poverty, dependency); it is to ignite critical wealth thinking in his or her life.

The MindSet of Wealth® Book Series:

The Inside Track of Money and Wealth ISBN 978-0-9797336-2-8 reveals the many details of money and wealth, including the difference between chasing wealth and money. It discusses basic principles in building wealth, as well as some psychology played in marketing and advertising.

It is a fun and comprehensive read that introduces today’s youth into the practice of ‘A Mindset of Wealth®’ A practice that challenges the onslaught of images that normally steers young people into the unnecessary rat race. As a first book, readers are encouraged to THINK rather than memorize; critical wealth thinkingis the road less traveled, but the road to wealth and success, nonetheless. Ages 10 and Up

The Power Over Money ISBN 978-0-9797336-0-4 This book allows the reader to answer their own deepest questions about their life. It is a treasure map for the reader to discover his or her personal path to wealth and unique energies. The Power Over Money begins the search within and creates a foundation of self confidence unlike any other book. It also peals away hidden distraction from the MindSet as well as lays down a perfect plan of execution. Ages 13 and Up

Financial Fitness ISBN 978-0-9797336-3-5 is the only financial literacy book written with A MindSet of Wealth. It teaches a New Generation more than the meat and potatoes of money management; it applies critical wealth thinking to the money management process. This book teaches many inside mechanics of financial literacy such as, budgeting, banking, income options, loan processes, money perspectives, and more.

Financial Fitness challenges youth to stand up not sit back, and to take control not be controlled. It looks at financial literacy as a tool-belt for building wealth and not a color-by-number handbook for financial survival. It encourages youths to use critical-wealth thinking through each lesson as this is an evolving lesson, changing too often to memorize. Agea 10 and Up

Credit: The Double-Edged Sword ISBN 978-0-9797336-1-1 explains both sides of the double-edged financial sword, credit and debt. What can credit do for you and to you? This book exposes the motives and intentions of both credit and debt, along with efforts of past and present financial traps.

Although this book is for teenagers, it is filled with priceless lessons for adults as well.

Credit: A Double-Edged Sword wants every teen and young adult to know how credit and debt works, why there is credit and debt, and the psychological effect of credit and debt. Within these pages is a journey inside and outside the World of Credit.Ages 13 and Up

Financial literacy alone will not be enough for today’s youth to journey into tomorrow.
“We must equip our young adults with critical thought to seek wealth at every opportunity in life.”